If you saw a red helicopter hovering over Ocho Rios for the entire day on Wednesday, March 5, it was nothing to do with espionage. It was part of the frolic of the top producers in the SuperClubs chain of hotels who were being feted by the company down at James Bond Beach in Oracabessa.
Well its not only at Courts or through the Lotto that you can win big. At SuperClubs, the top producers, selected from a highly developed point system, are now eligible to win lots of land, motor vehicles and gift vouchers.
Joey Issa, the “Fresh Prince” who’s been making his mark as an outstanding hotelier, was not able to be present this time as he was away on business in Japan. But his office, especially Dawn Newman, Noel brown, Michelle Wilkinson, Shani Fraser and Dawn Hobban had the day purring with fun.
Leachcim Semaj, consultant to the programme, was dressed in his scarf and shorts, his locks shaking about as he slammed his dominoes with the young ones who constitute the bulk of SuperClubs staff.
At these properties, you will detect a very youthful presence of energetic, high spirited and competent staff performing their duties with pride. This, no doubt, can be attributed to the success story of this very large hotel chain.
Source: Outlook