With the top-flight shows TeleFood’99 and the Bob Marley One Love Concert and several A-class celebrity-type parties to choose from, the north coast was buzzing with excitement last week.

One such event and perhaps the hottest ticket in town was the birthday party for SuperClubs executive vice president Joe Issa at the home of National Meats boss David Phillips and his beautiful wife Tanya.
This invitation-only gala came as a surprise to Issa, celebrating his 34th birthday. He was lured to the Phillips’ residence by pal Bobby Chandiram under the pretence that they were going to play dominoes.
And, with his well-known affinity for the game, Issa fell for the bait and was greeted with a loud chorus of cheers from friends, some of whom even flew from as far away as Canada.
It was truly a spectacular evening and one that saw some spirited discussions between guests, especially the women who has their male counterparts for the most part dumbfounded and shocked at their knowledge in sports and politics.
By the time Father Howard James got to blessing the food, guests were ready to partake of Tanya’s famous cooking. And she did not disappoint with a menu of stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce curried shrimp, London broiled streak, roast chicken and beef tenderloin.
In attendance were Darcy and Ron Santikola, Michelle Moeser, Collin Lee, Asha and Anita Manglani, Anna-Kaye Tomlinson, Michael and Deanne Belnavis, Angela Afflick and Dr. Francis Barnett.
Source: The Gleaner