Forty Holy Cross College students were inducted into the school’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at ceremonies Wednesday.
The inductees from Holy Cross are: Barbara M. Acton, Wilmette, III.; Paul H. Anderson,

Winona, Minn.; David M. Banach, Auburn; Darlene E. Beaudin, Malden; Elizabeth M. Bradshaw, Bernardsville, N.J.; Paula M. Canney, Hingham; Christine M. Considine, Woburn; Robert J. Dobie, Springfield, Pa.
Roger G. Doiron, Scarborough, Maine; Dina A. Elipoulos, Chelmsford; Kelly M. Enright, Bronxville, N.Y.; Mary Frances Firlings, Hyde Park, N.Y.; Kate A. Frame, Chelmsford; Steven M. Gandt, Topsfield; Elizabeth B. Gay, Cheshire, Conn,; Melinda S. George, Worcester; Christine A. Giargiari, Natick; Daniel O. Gilligan, Yarmouthport; Daniel M. Griffin, West Roxbury.
Walter W. Haug, Ridgewood, N.J.; Laurie B. Hession, Lowell; Vincent J. Hoye, Holliston; Patricia L. Hughes, Swampscott; Carla M. Iudica, Ramsey, N.J,; Joseph J. Issa, Kingston, Jamaica; Daniel P. Judge, Clarks Green, Pa.; Kris A. Kwiterovich, Baltimore, Md.; Rosemary E. Mahoney, Point Lookout, N.Y.; Carla Maniscalco, Revere; Stephen P. McElroy, North Andover; Robert J. Meledandri Jr., Allentown, Penn.
Richard J. Meli, Naples, Fla.; Elizabeth A. Pearson, Boxford; Lee A. Pietrangelo, Fairview Park, Ohio; Francis R. Spellman Jr., Hingham; Staci A. Stobart, Cohasset; Nancy E. Taloni, Norwalk, Conn.; Carolyn B. White, Manchester, N.H.; Peter L. Yauch, Short Hills, N.J.; and Patricia M. Yurkinas, Worcester.