Primary Textbook Project

Primary Textbook Project Production and Distribution

The printing of 2.7 million primary texts in English and Mathematics was completed on Sunday, 9th August in a period of ten weeks from 1st June, 1987. Putting covers on these texts, which is done by our sub-contractors and is a somewhat slower process was 98 per cent completed by Sunday 16th, August leaving one book only to be finalized during the current week. Packing of the books for the schools therefore has begun and it is planned to have the books start rolling into the schools beginning in the firt week of term, which starts on Monday 7th, September.


The support of Private Sector companies for the Project has again this year been generous. Two

Primary Textbook Project

companies, however, were unable to continue their support this year. Appreciation is expressed for their support over the previous three years. There are some five companies whose promised contributions are yet to come in and one which is yet to decide. On the other hand, some companies have increased their contribution, which is very welcome in view of increased costs, and five companies have already firmly committed their support for future years.

One noteworthy contribution to the project which is particularly heart-warming has been the offer of Three Thousand Pounds Sterling (approximately J$26,000) raised by the efforts of students at the London School of Economics under their Educate the Children Project which this year has been directed to education in Jamaica. Spear-heading the move during his year at London School of Economics was Mr. Joseph Issa, Jr., the son of one of our leading private sector entrepreneurs in Jamaica whose family firm incidentally is already a contributor to the Project. The concern and involvement of students could be significant for the future.

Roy Dickinson

19th August, 1987



Donors who have not yet seen the books en masse are welcome to visit our store rooms at any time and view the fruits of your largesse. Please telephone Roy Dickson, 23400 ext. 280 to confirm the date and time of your intended visit.


Source: The Gleaner