This year’s Hanify – Howland speaker is William Dyal, president of AFS International. Who would you suggest for a future Hanify- Howland speaker and why?
Charlene Donovan ‘85
Geraldine Ferraro would present the Holy Cross community with a stimulating and, admittedly controversial, perspective of the nation’s affairs and force us to become more open-minded and liberal in our view of the political and social milieu of the country.
Rod Schwass ‘86
I would like to hear Dr. Leo Buscaglia speak here. He has many important views on inter- personal relationships. Part of the college experience is learning how to relate to others. And I think that a speaker such as Dr Buscaglia could augment that part of our experience here at Holy Cross.
Mike O’Neill ‘86
Penny Lernoux. Because the role of church in Latin America is a big question which has been heightened by the Pope’s visit there. Lernoux, who has lived and worked with the poor, would give an interesting account to f the role of the church in Latin American society today that would be sure to generate discussion.
Kathy Bannon ‘87
Author Toni Morrison would be an interesting Hanify – Howland lecturer. As a highly acclaimed popular writer concerned with social issues, I think she could address subjects of interest to Holy Cross, especially in light of the renewed interest in social concerns on campus.
Joe Issa ‘88
Hanify – Howland chooses a person whose impact on society is credible. In his books, Jonathan Schell discussed and enlightens a swamp of sociological discrepancies. With this in mind, we can clearly see that he would a profitable “Hanify – Howland” speaker.
Source: The Crusader